A View From the Easel

Darlene Deloris White, Manhattan, New York

Darlene Deloris Studio 1

How long have you been working in this space?

Three months.

Describe an average day in your studio.

My hours in the studio are random. I am a teaching artist, currently at two different middle schools in Queens, and am a full-time mom to a three-year-old. So I make the trek to the city as often as I possibly can, sometimes in the mornings, other times at night, and even in between classes. Once I get to the studio, I change my shoes into some knock-off Uggs that I bought from Family Dollar and put on this uniquely patterned robe that my best friend bought me one year for my birthday. I then pull out snacks, water, juice, and coffee or tea, all before I actually begin working on a piece. It is important to me to feel comfortable and at home while creating.

Darlene Deloris White laptop studio

How does the space affect your work?

I am currently working as a resident for the Shift Residency, so my space is shared with two other artists. We are all similar in how we work in the studio. Generally quiet and neat, so we never have conflict. On the occasion that we are in the studio at the same time, we tend to bounce ideas off of one another. I find that part to be more helpful and encouraging than anything. My practice has grown in new ways just from being in close proximity to other artists.

How do you interact with the environment outside your studio?

When I am in the studio for more than a few hours, I take breaks to find food. There are hundreds of restaurants in the area so there is no shortage of choices. Because this is New York and Times Square at that, I get to see new public art installations regularly. Plus the train makes supply stores and art galleries very accessible.

What do you love about your studio?

I love the communal aspect of my studio. Sharing an artistic space with other people has been a valuable experience. I like that the entire building is full of artists. Anything I want to learn is under one roof. And Elizabeth Foundation for the Arts (EFA) makes the experience very pleasant and the doors to any office are always open. I also like that it is above an Irish restaurant-bar. The food is really good, although pricey.

What do you wish were different?

If I could have anything different, it might be to have my studio closer to home. After working or caring for my toddler, the 45-minute-to-1-hour trek can feel like a hundred years.

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