6 Best Treadmills on Amazon 2024 to Step Up Your Exercise

A major point in the Schwinn’s favor is how well it syncs with Bowflex’s paid Explore the World fitness app (Bowflex owns Schwinn fitness, hence the crossover branding). You’ll need to BYO iPad or phone, but it offers programmed runs from around the world, with the video automatically adjusting to your speed.

The Best Treadmill Under $1,000 on Amazon: NordicTrack T Series 6.5S Treadmill


T Series 6.5 S Folding Treadmill

NordicTrack was the singular mid-range player in the commercial market that Olympic-level coach Bobby McGee would recommend to us for the average runner. Though the 1750 model he suggested is still for sale, it’s taken a dip in ratings thanks to a recent software update that locks your treadmill unless you’ve bought into an iFit subscription. While this one uses iFit programming, too, reviewers seem to indicate that there’s a manual start button on this machine that bypasses the subscription entirely.

The brand’s gentler-on-the-wallet T Series is also one of the highest-reviewed and best-selling treadmills on Amazon, sacrificing tech like a touchscreen and making modest compromises on incline and top speed (the 10 mph max still nets out to a 6 minute/mile pace). But what sets the NordicTrack apart from its mid-range competitors is a beefier motor.

Specifically, the T Series 6.5S has a three-horsepower motor, easily outpacing the Schwinn 810. Both runners have the same max speed and incline range. That means the NordicTrack’s will be doing less work, and should last longer and/or handle more miles with ease if you’re looking to get your steps in regularly. One caveat is that the NordicTrack is a heavier machine—200 pounds versus the Schwinn’s 155. Integrated hydraulic lifts make folding the deck easy, but it’s still a heftier machine if you’re planning to roll and stow your treadmill often.

Oh, and it’s worth noting that NordicTrack has discontinued the entire T Series line, including this model. That won’t affect the warranty, but it does mean that once Amazon sells out, the most affordable NordicTrack model will be the brand’s EXP line, which starts above $1,000 and isn’t currently sold on Amazon.

The Best Budget Treadmill on Amazon: Sunny Health & Fitness Classic Treadmill

Sunny Health and Fitness

Classic Treadmill with Auto Incline

If you want to push yourself with top speeds of 10 mph, you’ll need to shell out a little more for our top picks. But for treadmill newbies or more casual users, the Sunny Health and Fitness Auto Incline Treadmill checks the right boxes (which explains why it’s so popular on Amazon, too).

It’s major differentiator from the ultra-budget treadmill pack is the automatic incline adjustment: as in, you can use buttons to adjust the angle, even mid-run, rather than manually changing the deck tilt before hopping on. The top speed is a slightly modest 8 mph (a 7:30 min/mile pace)—likely fast enough for anyone not doing HIIT-style sprint training or running distances at close-to-paces. Of course, at this price, comparing the Sunny to treadmills that cost five times as much is unfair: of course you don’t get a big ol’ touchscreen display or smart connectivity. The deck size is comparatively cramped, and its not going to feel super sturdy if you’re in the vicinity of the 240-pound weight limit.

That said, the Sunny’s lil blue LCD screen does let you track all the important numbers (speed, distance, calories burned, and heart rate via a handrail sensor), and basic Bluetooth connectivity means you can take a call or play tunes through the built-in speakers (though it won’t sync data to apps like Strava, RunKeeper, Apple Health, etc.). Finally, it fits nicely into smaller spaces, especially with its folding deck. Reviewers do note that you’ll need to purchase additional belt lube, so you might want to add some to your shopping cart while you’re at it.

The Treadmill with the Best Warranty: Horizon T101 Treadmill

Horizon has constructed this treadmill with a durable frame, and both the frame and 2.5HP motor are covered by a lifetime warranty (parts and labor are covered by a 1-year warranty). On top of that peace of mind, this popular treadmill boasts similar specs as our top picks from Schwinn and NordicTrack. The T101 matches both of these machines with a 10% incline and 10 mph top speed, which should satisfy all but the most hardcore runners and athletes. It also has ample deck space for hitting your stride.

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